【Conversation – Health】
Megan has a cold. Her throat is sore. She has a runny nose. But he can’t go home. She is too busy. Carol needs her help. Ken gives her some cold medicine. Megan takes it. And she wants some chicken soup. Ken wants some, too.
K: Hi, Megan. How are you?
M: Not very good, Ken. I have a cold.
K: That’s not good.
M: I know. My throat really hurts.
K: Can you go home and rest?
M: No, I can’t. I really busy today.
K: Do you have any cold medicine?
M: No, I don’t.
K: I do. I can give you some.
M: Can the medicine help my sore throat and runny nose?
K: Yes. It helps me.
M: And you don’t feel sleepy?
K: No, I don’t.
M: Good. I can’t be sleepy. I’m too busy! Carol really needs my help today!
K: But she doesn’t need your cold. She could catch it from you.
M: I know. But I can’t go home!
K: Here is the medicine.
M: Thank you. I can take some now. Then I can feel better.
K: Eat some chicken soup, too. That always helps me.
M: Good idea! I can have some for lunch.
K: Maybe I can have some chicken soup, too.
M: Why? Are you sick, too?
K: No. I really like chicken soup!
I have a cold. 我感冒了。
è 也可以用另外一個動詞「catch」,亦即:I catch a cold.
è catch (v.) 原為「抓到」的意思。
à I don’t want to catch a cold. 我不想得感冒。
à I don’t want to catch a cold from you. = I don’t want to catch your cold. 我不想被你傳染感冒。
è 若想和對方說:你把感冒傳染給我了,可以用動詞「give」。
à You gave me your cold. 你把感冒傳染給我了。
à Don’t give your cold. 不要傳染給我喔!
Her throat is sore. = She has a sore throat. = Her throat hurts. 她的喉嚨痛。
è sore [sor] (adj.) 痛的。
è throat [θrot] (n.) 喉嚨,「th」後面又接「r」的捲舌音,要留意發音。
Do you have any cold medicine? 你有沒有任何感冒藥?
è medicine (n.)[U] 藥,因為是不可數名詞,所以前面不可以加「不定冠詞」(a)。
à Do you have any cold medicine? 你有沒有任何感冒藥? ð 這裡的medicine不用複數形態。
à 如果手上確實有些藥,則可以說:I can give you some medicine. ð 雖然用了「一些」(some),但是因為medicine在此為不可數名詞,所以不可以用複數形態。
【Calendar Phrase】
Chicken soup is good for you. 雞湯對你身體有益。
A: I don’t like chicken soup.
B: Chicken soup is good for you.
A: I don’t want chicken soup.
B: Chicken soup is good for you.
A: I never eat like chicken soup.
B: Chicken soup is good for you.
A: No, it’s not! I’m a chicken!
² cold [kold] (n.) 傷風、感冒[C][U] à I have got a cold recently. 近來我感冒了。 / 寒冷[U] à He was shivering with cold. 他冷得發抖。 ð Jack has a cold. He doesn’t feel well.
² shiver [ˋʃɪvɚ] (n.) 顫抖[C] à The breeze gave a shiver to the surface of the lake. 微風吹得湖面顫動。 / 寒顫[the P] à The strange noise gave me the shivers. 那奇怪的響聲使我不寒而慄。
² throat [θrot] (n.) 咽喉、喉嚨 à I have a sore throat. 我喉嚨痛。 ð May I have some water? My throat is dry.
² sore [sor] (adj.) 痛的、疼痛發炎的、一碰就痛的[(+from)] à Mary has a bad cold and sore throat. 瑪麗患了重感冒而且咽喉痛。 ð Jane’s throat is sore. It hurts.
² runny [ˋrʌnɪ] (adj.) 流鼻涕的 à I have a cough and a runny nose. 我咳嗽、流鼻涕。 / 鬆軟的、水分過多的 à Warm the honey until it becomes runny. 將蜂蜜加熱直到它變稀。
² sleepy [ˋslipɪ] (adj.) 想睡的、瞌睡的、困乏的 à She suddenly started to feel very sleepy. 她突然感到非常困倦。 / 使人想睡的、令人昏昏欲睡的 / 寂靜的、不活躍的、呆滯的 / 懶洋洋的。
² take [tek] ð took – taken – taking (v.t.) 服(藥)、吃(飯)、喝(水)、吸入、吸收 à Please take medicine I prescribed. 請按規定服藥。ð Jean is sick. She is taking medicine.
² soup [sup] (n.) 湯[U][C] à A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗熱雞湯對你有好處。 ð Jerry often eats soup for lunch.
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